Lamilla-Tamayo L.A., Barák V., Mohammadi M. , Escobar- Calderón J.F., Vodáková B., Douda K.
Microalgae cultivation plays a fundamental role in rearing filter-feeding organisms for marine and freshwater aquaculture. The produced algal biomass is mostly destined to supply the world demand for marine bivalves, with freshwater species having much less attention. From a nutritional point of view, the quality of microalgae as a food source for freshwater bivalves depends on many components such as essential fatty acids, protein, vitamins, sterols, and carbohydrates. Studying the changes in the algae biochemical characteristics, resulting from the culture conditions in an easily replicable way, could derive in an effective method to formulate better diets for freshwater bivalves in different stages of the life cycle in laboratories and rearing facilities. The green algae Ettlia oleoabundans, (S.Chantanachat & Bold) J.Komárek 1989, was the selected species to test the effect of three different culture temperatures on the overall wellbeing of 48 subadults and 480 juveniles of Sinanodonta woodiana. For rearing the bivalves, we used a Pulsed Flow-Through experimental system (PFT), in which two different mussel-rearing controlled temperatures were applied, allowing the quantification of the effects of diet components and rearing temperature without the influence of a common holding. Initial results from the analysis on whether changing the microalgae culture conditions and the animal keeping temperature has an impact on bivalves’ growth, survival rate, as well as mussel behavioural response will be presented.
Aknowedgements: This work was supported and implemented within the project Improvement in Quality of the Internal Grant Scheme at the CZU, Reg. No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/
Great presentation Laura, thank you!